The Experience of Art

Maurizio Aceto, Francesca Robotti e Patrizia Davit read the collection of illuminated books under the lens of chemistry

23.11.2023, 06:00 PM - 07:30 PM

On 23rd November 2023, from 6pm to 7.30pm, Maurizio Aceto and Francesca Robotti of the University of Eastern Piedmont and Patrizia Davit of the University of Turin will tell the public about the campaign of diagnostic investigations carried out on the nucleus of illuminated books and ancient decorated books from the Cerruti Collection. These investigations are aimed at evaluating the decorative elements of each book on the basis of the commodity value and the origin of the pictorial materials used, at confirming the dating and the historical-artistic attribution and finally at evaluating the state of health of the decorations.

Maurizio Aceto, Francesca Robotti e Patrizia Davit read the collection of illuminated books under the lens of chemistry

23rd November 2023, 6pm* – 7.30pm

Orchid Room – Villa Cerruti

Maurizio Aceto

Professor of Analytical Chemistry, Università del Piemonte Orientale. For several years he has been involved in analysis in the field of cultural heritage and in particular of illuminated manuscripts, in order to evaluate their authenticity, value, state of conservation, geographical origin and dating. In this context, it has developed collaborations with renowned Italian and European libraries.

Patrizia Davit

Research technician, Chemistry Department, Università di Torino. She has a degree in Chemistry and a PhD in Chemical Sciences, with a thesis on the use of analytical techniques in the study of ceramic materials and ancient glass. Her main research activity concerns the characterization, the evaluation of the production technology, the study of provenance and the analysis of the phenomena of degradation of archaeological, historical and artistic materials. She also deals with the teaching of chemistry and scientific dissemination. She is co-author of over fifty contributions on journals, monographs and printed volumes and of eighty communications at national and international congresses.

Francesca Robotti

Doctor in Chemistry, Università del Piemonte Orientale. She carried out a thesis concerning the sustainable dyeing of fabrics using Folium, and is about to graduate in Chemical Sciences with a thesis on the diagnostics of a choral collection commissioned by Pope Pius V and preserved at Museo Civico of Alessandria.



The conferences, for a maximum of 16 people, include a special visit to the Villa.
Reservation is required on this page.

The cost of the full ticket is € 26.50; reduced ticket € 19.50 (journalists, groups of 3 or more people, Abbonamento Musei Piemonte Valle d’Aosta); € 10.00 for university students up to the age of 26 and equivalent institutions. The ticket includes admission to Castello di Rivoli which can be visited on the same day, before the meeting. The Museum closes at 5.30pm, but it is possible to go to the Ticket Office in the Manica Lunga until 5.45pm.

The shuttle to the Cerruti Collection leaves at 5.55pm from the square in front of Castello di Rivoli.

* Tickets must be collected by 5.45pm at Castello di Rivoli Ticket Office